Over the years, I’ve seen countless systems, tips and advice on how to swing a golf club and some heated discussions from devotees and coaches of various methods.
But the truth is this… if you cannot turn the information into an actual motion that you can repeat and rely on, any system is essentially useless to you.
So the real secret to the perfect golf swing is this… you also need to know HOW TO LEARN a golf swing.
In a study at John Hopkins University, a team of neuro-scientists found within the first 5-6 hours of practicing a new move, the brain shifts the learning from the short term memory to the areas responsible for permanent motor skill.
Even without practice, after 5-6 hours, the formula for the movement was virtually hard wired into the brain.
BUT… a newly learnt skill can be impaired, confused or even lost if a person tries to learn a different motor skill during that critical 5-6 hour period when the brain is trying to move and stabilise the original task in the brain. You create an INTERFERENCE pattern in the brain.
The research sends a clear message. If we want to make a new skill permanent and automatic, we must concentrate on ONE MOVE at a time.
So whichever golf swing method you are learning, allow your brain the time it needs to ‘set’ each move before moving to the next.
What are your thoughts on this? Let me know below.